If you are unable to attend an appointment, we request that you provide AT LEAST 24 HOURS' ADVANCED NOTICE to the therapist. 

To Reschedule/Cancel a Session: 

1. Rescheduling sessions will result in a shortage of other clients. Since we are unable to use this time for another client, please note that you will be billed 70% of your full session fee and refunded 30%, if the session is rescheduled ONLY. 

2. If the session is eventually canceled, you will be billed 100% of your full session and there will be no refund UNLESS SUCH CANCELLATION OR UNAVAILABILITY IS DUE TO ILLNESS OR AN EMERGENCY.

3. For cancellations made less than 24 hours' notice (unless due to illness or an emergency) or a scheduled appointment that is completely missed, you will be billed 100% of the payment fee with no refund. 

We appreciate your help in keeping the therapy schedule running timely.

Thank you!